
The blog posts make comment on the Learning 2.0 program and should be useful to share with other library staff.
lossy n. 1 pseudonymous name. 2 adj. a multimedia data compression technique which produces a much smaller file by eliminating unnecessary information.

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Week 4:RSS

Blogging is proving itself a worthy and easy to use tool for sharing information among our group of library workers. Last week , using Flickr for sharing and preserving images, showed a good online resource at our finger tips. This week , the RSS feeds was a bit more time consuming. There is so much information "out there". Any tool like RSS that sends regular updates must be advantageous for busy people.In my opinion its best application for public libraries is for informing of events , professional training and activities and for sharing all the great things we do. Some of the feeds I subscribed to included:

I could also see an application for Readers Advisory services. Can anyone suggest useful feeds to help select books particularly for seniors ?

Saturday, 22 March 2008

Week Three- Present

Civic Square Precinct. Peace Bell.
Many libraries today share their physical space and act as a community hub. One example in our town is a shared space supporting the Council, Art Gallery, Civic Centre, Public Computer Access, Family History Group and Multi-Purpose Function Room.

Week Three- Future

It's what's inside that counts.

Week Three- Past

The photo of the Gundaroo Literary Institute Library is an example of how new technology can preserve images of the past for future reference use.

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Week Two

A blog is an evolving thing and this one is still under construction. Let the fun begin.. Lossy is eagerly awaiting any comments.It is essential to consider the audience in the design of the blog and the content. A blog is an ideal medium to meet X and Y Gen clients in a space that is familiar to them and using tools that they utilise in other social networking applications. Blogs in libraries represent a new interaction opportunity and easy means to reach a wider audience.

Monday, 17 March 2008

Week One

Participating in the Learning 2.0 program will highlight new technologies that are available on the web and enable Library staff to connect, engage and interact with their peers and a wider clientele beyond the physical environment of their own library building. The outcome should be provision of better customer service and a wider sharing of library knowledge and resources.