
The blog posts make comment on the Learning 2.0 program and should be useful to share with other library staff.
lossy n. 1 pseudonymous name. 2 adj. a multimedia data compression technique which produces a much smaller file by eliminating unnecessary information.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Week 12: Wrap up; social networks and catch up

Once upon a time....in a land far, far away...

A litttle girl set off on an adventure not knowing where she was going....She visited places both fascinating and new.She learnt so much and when she got home she invited her best friends to join her and wow what fun they're having now !

You know how the story goes!

And you also know that you only get out of it - what you put in.

The end of this programme is here and like a good read it is with reluctance but an acceptance that enough time has been spent on this part of the journey.

However it doesn't really end here. There is such a thing as Lifelong Learning-its what we do everyday esp. @theLibrary. I am sure many of us have the intention to re visit many of the things we so briefly ventured into during Learning 2.0 and often stumbled upon just as we often go back and re-read a favourite book or part there of..and rediscover or discover for the first time something we missed or overlooked or perhaps didn't understand. As our experience grows and our perceptions and learning develop we gain insight and awareness.I look forward to catching up on the updated blogs as they progress and viewing the RSS Feeds I set up.I eagerly look forward to sharing with Staff my discoveries. And now I am empowered with tools that will make this possible. And what about Library applications ? Social networking certainly looks inviting and I've heard so much about it that perhaps its time to join in too. Why should the X and Y gens have all the fun ? So I think networking is the way- who knows where we'll end up.In Web 3.0 ? Who knows what we may produce ? Look at the excellent resource we now have as a result of the NSW Public Libraries Learning 2.0.


Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Week 11: Online applications and tools

Google Docs has provided a solution to managing Storytime Sessions . The Branch Library Officer can collaborate with staff and volunteers at work or home at convenient times to organise and give feedback on each session. The facility also keeps a record for reference and everyone can contribute and follow up ideas. It is great for adding pictures, craft activities and even video footage of the sessions which can then be used in training sessions.If time permitted this tool could have wide applications for advertising Library events, communicating with Friends of the Library groups and much more.It gets my thumbs up for the widest range of applications capable of being shared.

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Just for Impact

Just for Fun

Week 10: Mashups

Mashups provide lots of opportunities for the promotion of your library and its' activities. They are also good for reference resources like the mapping features and Anthems on map.