
The blog posts make comment on the Learning 2.0 program and should be useful to share with other library staff.
lossy n. 1 pseudonymous name. 2 adj. a multimedia data compression technique which produces a much smaller file by eliminating unnecessary information.

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Week 5: wikis

The investigation of another type of software application to help with the management of information has been done. It was discovered that many wikis had already been visited and looked like websites. Wikis work much faster to compose, edit and link with more information. It was interesting that one very informative resource used frequently when searching for technological definitions of terms was wikipedia. It was first discovered when I was trying to work out the difference between lossy and lossless compression and as indicated by my pen name , I enjoyed the discovery !
Types of Library applications that might work well with wikis could include:
  • internal procedure manuals
  • computer technical and troubleshooting
  • online book clubs

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