
The blog posts make comment on the Learning 2.0 program and should be useful to share with other library staff.
lossy n. 1 pseudonymous name. 2 adj. a multimedia data compression technique which produces a much smaller file by eliminating unnecessary information.

Friday, 11 April 2008

Week 7: Tagging

Do you remember playing tag ? There are many versions to choose from and they can be adapted to suit the group. Tagging involves linking and very quickly one or two becomes a big group. This is what happens when Web 2.0 tools like those explored in the Learning 2.0 program are used. They are social, quick, easy to use and accessible. A key feature of Web 2.0 is sharing; of information, resources and ideas. In the game of tag players get caught. As I explored the participants blogroll on Learning 2.0 and Technorati I realised librarians are being caught in the activities and weaving a web rich in information and ideas. Del.icio.us has enabled saving of references to share anywhere. I found it very good when studying at home, then come to work and show my colleagues what I had discovered. The AskNow resources are very well suited to reference desk enquiries.

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