
The blog posts make comment on the Learning 2.0 program and should be useful to share with other library staff.
lossy n. 1 pseudonymous name. 2 adj. a multimedia data compression technique which produces a much smaller file by eliminating unnecessary information.

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Week 9: Podcasts and audio

Podcasts/ audio are tools for distribution of information allowing the user to listen/view content when and where they want. It's very attractive and familiar to the younger generation who love their MP3s and ipods.
Podcasts for professional development are wonderful and great when studying at Uni: suits different styles of learning, busy people and are also great for "How to" instructions.
In Public Libraries suggested uses include:
  • how to search the catalogue
  • updates of Library procedures
  • new innovations in Web 2.0 and future

It's a really satisfying learning experience to listen/view what others are doing in their libraries like Cornell University Library and these applications could work well in our Public Libraries.

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